M41TO/Maito Hi! I'm Maito and I like to draw OCs! Store: Closed!





M / early 30s / 31 Dec / 188 CM

A sleep-deprived butcher. He may or may not be a cannibal.

Salem, cheesy romance movies/novels, cooking, long baths
Taxes, sweets, small talk, cockroaches

Relationships - Salem
Salem is Gin's loud and extroverted housemate. Gin was very reluctant to have a housemate at first since he feels the need to distance himself from others, but he finds it difficult not to agree to Salem's terms when he proposes a deal that's too hard to resist...

Relationships - who?


M / mid 20s / 14 Feb / 175 CM

A drifter who claims he's not afraid of anything since he can regenerate his entire body.

Gin, getting eaten by Gin, gambling, slasher movies, critters
Getting yelled at :(

Relationships - Gin
Salem is extremely reckless by nature due to his abilities, resulting in difficulty keeping a job. He tends to crash on acquaintances' sofas but after he runs out of options he turns to Gin. They enter a symbiotic relationship where Salem is able to live at Gin's place as long as he provides him with "meat".

Relationships - Avery
Avery is Salem's younger brother. They used to get along as kids, but not so much anymore. Still, Salem is allowed to crash on Avery's workplace sofa from time to time.


M / early 20s / 25 Dec / 178 CM

He who works all the late-night shifts at the convenience store.

Energy drinks, bad MMORPGs, his pet rats
Early mornings, people who knock over the newspaper stand (Salem)

Relationships - Salem
Avery has a general dislike for his older brother since he deems him immature and irresponsible. Still, he has a soft spot for all his siblings, including Salem.

Relationships - some guy
The guy who comes in and buys shitty romance novels every other Sunday

- Clip Studio Paint EX

- Wacom Intuous pen & touch medium